Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Modern Journalism: A Fork in the Road

Hunter Folks


Village to Villa

The introduction to The Elements of Journalism, written by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel, presents a history of journalism rooted in the human desire for socializing and learning. Journalism, historically, has given people the information they need to make decisions and govern themselves in a way that is conducive to personal freedoms. Journalism has been essential for the development of societies around the world. Although journalism today looks much different from horse riding couriers of the past, the core of reliable sources of information and engaging retellings remains the same.

Image Source: Mike Grabham

A Question of Necessity?

The way information was shared by journalists and individuals alike did not change much for most of history. Spoken or written word always came with the prerequisite of requiring an individual to deliver this information in person; in today's world, however, this is not the case. Technology has allowed individuals to find the information they want at any time, and gives them the ability to share or re-share that information instantly with anyone in the world who has an internet connection.

This begs the question, is dedicated journalism valuable to us as a society in today's world? 

An article by The New Yorker argues that it does, but that format innovation is essential in a world where old concepts like newspapers are on death's door.

The answer is almost definitely a resounding yes, however, the role journalistic organizations play may look much different from the past.

A New Direction

Journalism has begun to evolve alongside technology, and its purpose in society is beginning to change as well. The slew of information sharing online has allowed people the opportunity to appreciate differences in the quality of the reporting. This article details the shift in the industry that is currently happening by journalism focused establishments towards becoming reputable arbiters of quality among a sea of unchecked news sources.

This is in line with the thoughts of the authors behind The Elements of Journalism as well. It is a massive shift from the traditional ideas that have powered media companies for years; being first to publish new information used to be essential, but in a world where everyone has a camera and can share events instantly there is a clear need for some sort of quality control. Rather than silence or limit the speech of individuals, a possibility exists for journalists to become the gatekeepers of what is considered confirmed and legitimate information. This opportunity for change has arisen as people now seek consistent and reliable sources to confirm rumors or information they consume through online platforms.

1 comment:

  1. "is dedicated journalism valuable to us as a society in today's world?"

    That's the million dollar question!

    I not only agree with your assessment, but I'd counter that it's 'more' valuable than ever before.

    Great post!
