Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The media..How honest are you?

Paige Zsebik

      The media.. Let's talk about it. When you think of media, what comes to mind? Social media such as Twitter or Instagram? How about your local Fox channel or the New York Times? As a 21 year old, my first honest thought is social media. I start thinking about Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. But how true is the information that is being posted on these sites?

       Often young adults in this day are quick to assume something on social media can be held fully truthful, without stopping to question where that information originally came from. This is only half our problem though. Another problem our country faces is weeding through the information brought to us by news channels such as Fox.

        We once again are faced with the task of weeding out our Fox information, such as we are with social media. But why is that? Why do we not have a full trust in our information sources? It is because recently our media is filled with facts as well as opinions. On top of facts and opinions, certain channels such as Fox, or a certain news site, will add in hints of their majority political view. It will get added so subtly, views may not even notice at first.

       Our world needs the news. Without the news, our country would not and could not be aware of what is happening in neighboring states or even other countries. We also would not know simple things such as the weather. We rely on the news to keep us safe from local and nationwide threats. With as much knowledge we need the news to supply us, you really would not think there was room for opinions, but they make it!

       One article titled, "The Shocking Truth Behind Media Revealing The Shocking Truth", the author points out great aspects on the "true" things we are all reading on the internet and then believing them! https://medium.com/swlh/the-shocking-truth-behind-media-revealing-the-shocking-truth-cb26ac5d7e2b As a society, we need to read what is being posted online, and then be able to digest it and pick out the facts versus opinions.

       Should we have to pick out the opinions and the biases? No. Do we have to? Yes. This is because there is nothing stopping those websites from posting false information, there is nothing stopping the news stations from adding their opinions. There is no filter. We the viewers and readers are that filter.

      One last idea to counter balance my thoughts behind the media, is this..What do we think the people writing those opinionated posts or reporting that news thinks? Do they know what they are doing is wrong? I found this story quite interesting and it helped me see the other side of the story. http://www1.cbn.com/700club/marlise-kast-truth-behind-tabloid-media. But then again, do we believe it?



  1. I like your point about the world needing the news, but I also appreciated how you talk about the lack of a filter. I am not deeply familiar with the history of journalism (although I working on changing that) but it will be interesting to see how the opinion news of today differs from the opinion news in other generations. I wonder if the instant access of today's technology just makes potentially dangerous information that much more accessible. So, yes, good post, and look forward to reading more. Greg Petersen gp420718@ohio.edu
