Saturday, June 1, 2019

Facebook Deletes Fake Accounts!

Alexis Kilgore

Just a few days ago, Mark Zuckerberg stated Facebook deleted 3.39 billion fake accounts. In efforts to help traffic posts and monitor the fake accounts Facebook continues to block and delete those who disobey. The company stated half of these accounts were caught by. "artificial intelligence as well as human control." It is imperative that social media sites and other journalism websites strive to keep sites honest and clean for the sake of our news. 
     Not only could these sites and profiles bee dangerous and developed with poor intention but the posts and information coming from them would have been just as dishonest. "While acknowledging that Facebook "knows that there's a lot of work ahead," Zuckerberg also touted the company's progress" (Romo & Held, 2019) As we encourage individuals to monitor the sites they use for information and check sources companies and sites need to held just as accountable. 

All should be held responsible in what is shared and posted. Valuing the true reason of why we should even be using the internet. It was not developed to pass along misleading information. While Facebook's efforts do not go unnoticed, they are minuscule compared to the amount of fake news and profiles around the world. 

Unfortunately we will never live in a world free of  fake news completely but we must make strides to become more transparent. Zuckerberg argued, "the new report is evidence of the company's efforts to be more transparent. He also asserted that breaking up Facebook would only make it harder to quash fake news and phony accounts across the site" (Romo & Held, 2019). Looking in to the future we can only hope other social media and new sites are following similar procedures and keeping honesty as an important value. 

Romo, V., & Held, A. (2019, May 23). Facebook Removed Nearly 3.4 Billion Fake Accounts In 6 Months. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. The sheer amount of fake accounts deleted is staggering, and to think that it's only a minuscule amount of what's out there! I totally agree with your point that there's no escaping fake news and that's why I think we should develop skills to spot the real from what's not.
