Saturday, August 1, 2020

How Astroturfing will Destroy Our Future

Taylor Abreu /

Astroturfing is a practice that has a very easy potential to promote volatile paths of thinking and exacerbate an already incredibly deep divide within society. Astroturfing is defined as, “fake grassroots campaigns that create the impression that large numbers of people are demanding or opposing particular policies. This deception is most likely to occur where the interests of companies or governments come into conflict with the interests of the public” (Monbiot).

Astroturfing is a practice that when executed does not have the public’s best interest in mind. When companies, or the government for that matter, practice astroturfing they are setting a goal to perpetuate a message in order to better their image or standing in the public eye. Albeit, some of these messages are harmless, like clothing brands and such, some of them perpetuate negative and false claims that wedge a deeper divide between the already divided public. 

For example, the article entitled, “The need to protect the internet from 'astroturfing' grows ever more urgent” discuss the topic of tobacco companies practicing astroturfing for literal years in order to fight those who were attempting to regulate them more strictly. This instance of astroturfing is not good for the public, because as we know now, cigarettes do not in fact cure cancer.

Tobacco companies are not the only ones perpetuating lies. Large gas companies are doing the same thing. They do this by pretending to be supporters who do not believe in climate change. This validates those who truly do not believe in climate change and makes the gas companies stronger. This increases an already very tense situation between our society right here in the United States. If we cannot trust companies and our own government to have our best interest in mind, then astroturfing needs to be made illegal, without question.

There is no question about astroturfing needing to end. There is no need for companies or politicians to have that much power and influence over our lives on a day to day basis. If we do not start to regulate this practice, then we are in for some big trouble not only as a country but as a planet.

We have to protect ourselves from this manipulative act and reclaim our rights to free speech and free thought. It is simply not ethical for companies to Astroturf. It does not encourage honesty and transparency between big businesses and the public. This is also going to deteriorate the public’s trust for the media if this practice continues occurring. We have to come together and demand facts. Until the public is only given the unedited facts and are allowed to draw their own conclusions without being manipulated to think in a certain way, we will never be truly free and united.



Monbiot, G. (2011, February 23). The need to protect the internet from 'astroturfing' grows ever more urgent | George Monbiot. Retrieved August 01, 2020, from

Perlut, A. (2020, April 15). Seeking relevance: PR and media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retrieved August 01, 2020, from


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