Saturday, August 1, 2020

Astroturfing: Today's Menace to Society

Rachel Arnold

Right when you think the internet is plagued with enough trolls, you learn of a different kind of troll, astroturfing. What is astroturfing you ask? The Guardian said it best. Astroturfing is "fake grassroots campaigns that create the impression that large numbers of people are demanding or opposing particular policies." 

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Real or Fake? 
Astroturfing is just as bad as fake news, if not worse. Companies and politicians can use fake accounts and ids to comment on websites, blog posts, and groups to make it appear as if more people are for or against  a particular platform or policy. These users, the real menaces to society, appear to be real people. The technology behind astroturfing is so sophisticated that when you begin to look into these fake user accounts it appears as if they are real. Some accounts, although made quickly, appear as if they have been part of a platform for much longer, sometimes months even years. 

Corporate Astroturfing Examples
Corporations take their part in astroturfing as well. In 2008 the McDonald's corporation in Japan took part in astroturfing. The company paid 1,000 people to stand in line for the release of the quarter pounder. Not only did the individual get paid, but their food was paid for as well. McDonald's used this insidious method for their express benefit. Although there were 1,000 other legitimate customers in line that morning, and record numbers throughout the day, they found it best to pay people for appearance and rating sake. 

This isn't a new problem. Astroturfing has been a menace for many years. Some of the earliest incidents date back to the 90's, where tobacco companies employed these tactics to develop campaigns in favor of the tobacco companies.

It seems that those with money and power use astroturfing for their gain. Rather than working hard to get to the top, corporations and politicians use their money and influence to create the narrative that they want. Astroturfing is wrong and it's a practice that should be stopped. 

Stop Astroturfing
Astroturfing poses a significant problem. It makes it hard to know what's real or fake. In fact, it causes our businesses and government to move in directions that are not for the people and by the people. It causes us to wage war amongst ourselves which is in no way profitable. This menace to society must be stopped, but it takes all hands on deck to bring an end to astroturfing. 

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