Saturday, August 1, 2020

Astroturfing in Modern Media

Megan Parks

What is Astroturfing?
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Astroturfing is "organized activity that is intended to create a false impression of a widespread, spontaneously arising, grassroots movement in support of or in opposition to something (such as political policy) but that is in reality initiated and controlled by a concealed group or organization (such as a corporation)."

With the evolution of both technology and media platforms, astroturfing has gained a large internet presence, especially in the form of mass e-mail send-outs or advertisements that are discreetly misleading. 

Where Have we Seen Astroturfing Before?
According to an article published by The Guardian, "The anonymity of the web gives companies and governments golden opportunities to run astroturf operations." Some of the most well-known companies infamous for astroturfing include tobacco companies, especially through campaigns, pharmaceutical companies, and the U.S. military.

The Challenges Astroturfing can Cause
While researching examples of astroturfing, CBS News journalist Sharyl Attkinsson reported in an article from multiple blatant examples of astroturfing "in which pharmaceutical companies, for example, secretly promote their drugs and marginalize criticism." This instance among others we shared in Attkinsson's TEDx Talk at the University of Nevada in 2015.

Sharyl Attkinson at Tedx Talk in 2015 discussing Astroturfing

When looking at the way media has shifted over the last five years, the is an evident increase in the distrust of the media, largely due to political ideals. In February of 2020, a new topic became the focus of everyone's attention. 

With the Coronavirus pandemic in full effect, it has created a political debate for a non-political issue of whether the public should be forced to wear a mask or limit social gatherings. In an article posted from, in April of 2020, "protests against stay-at-home orders organized by small-government groups and right-wing supporters" were extremely prominent.

These protests were proven to be "manipulated by Washington conservatives to appear locally driven" which can dangerously misinform the public and shape the portrayal of COVID-19 any way they choose.

How to Avoid Falling Victim to Astroturfing?
As astroturfing is a form of fake news, there are many ways to prevent oneself from blindly believing companies using astroturfing methods. The most important way to do this is to simply do your own research on a company or organization, as well as public reviews to get the full truth, rather than just one side.

Another way to stay aware of the media is by having healthy debates with people. Rather than attacking one another on social media for minor differences of opinions, attempt to view topics from a different perspective. This isn't to say change your opinion every day, but look at facts and understand that it is acceptable no matter what the media says to understand different viewpoints, and consider all the facts before making a decision. 

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