Monday, February 21, 2022

Diversity & The Media

Mylan Foster

It is essential for journalists to realize is that diversity in the media appeals to more audiences. Therefore, journalists need to get rid of toxic stereotypes in their writing. That helps build a more trustworthy platform. It makes a more trustworthy platform because people will see that the journalist is not biased. For example, an article done by Nieman Reports mentioned, "What role do we play in all of this when we constantly barrage our viewers and readers with images of black men as criminals? The repetition of these images has conditioned all of us (including police officers who carry weapons) in ways that make it difficult not to view black men and boys as dangerous." Depicting minorities as criminals and dangerous is alarming, and we must get rid of these stereotypes. These kinds of stereotypes are the ones that cost people their lives. For example, a black or Hispanic man can be completely innocent of something, and because he is a minority, he will automatically be seen as guilty before anything else. 

It is essential to uplift minorities and recognizes them in the media, but they deserve it. Many black, Hispanic, Asian and other minorities are the creators of some of the most popular trends in the world. To depict these people in a negative light is wrong. It negatively affects the minorities, but it also affects the majority negatively. 64% of consumers say that they would instead purchase diverse content and show inclusivity, says the World Economic Forum. That tells you that over half of the viewers either want to see more people of different backgrounds or people they can identify with and relate to. That can also lead to others feeling more confident about themselves because they can see others in the media who look like them being shown in a good light. Understanding the impact and relationship journalists have with their audience determines whether that journalist is a source people want to be engaged with or not. So as a journalist, making sure that your platform appeals to all people comes first. The older generations are not fond of change and new faces and content in the media. Our job as new journalists is to introduce them to content that will bring all people together.  


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