Sunday, July 5, 2020

Making the Right Choice for the People

Jamey Wilkins

The Purpose of Journalism & Ethics

Reflections from The Elements of Journalism by Bill Kovach & Tom Rosenstiel

"The primary purpose of journalism is to provide citizens with the information they need to be free and self-governing." (15)  

The Truth
The main purpose of journalism is to get accurate information and truth to the public.  In order to do this in a way that gains trust and respect from the people, it is important to have a code of ethics to follow. 

Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting, and interpreting information.  They should treat their sources, subjects, colleagues, and members of the public with the utmost respect.  Being accountable and transparent with the public is important in creating a trusting relationship.  

Losing Trust 
There are many times throughout history where the public have gained and lost the trust of journalists and news sources.  When journalists are dishonest, it can have a ripple effect on the profession.  Once trust is lost, it is hard to gain back.  This is especially relevant today in the world of "fake" news.  

Many people question the motives of stories that are reported.  Many often wonder if there are ulterior motives.   Even today, we are bombarded with conspiracy theories and the idea that what is reported may fits some type of "agenda."  

Fake News
In the age of the Internet, it seems that everyone is a critic of news.  The age of "fake news" has become a household phrase.  Below, Robert Hernandez discusses why ethical journalism is so important, and the future of journalism.  

He goes into detail and gives an example of how audio and video can be manipulated, and news can be fabricated.  It is so important to hold on to honesty and morality in a world where such technology can be used as a weapon.    

                                                   Fake News and the Future of Journalism 

What is the Truth?
The Scripps Company newspapers have read, "Give light and the people will find their own way (21)."  In the age of the Internet and deceptive technology, it is hard to trust what we see is the truth.

Good Vs. Evil
Pope John Paul II in June 2000, said, "With its vast and direct influence on public opinion, journalism cannot be guided only by economic forces, profit, and special interest.  It must instead be felt as a mission in a certain sense sacred, carried out in the knowledge that the powerful means of communication have been entrusted to you for the good of all." 

In the below link, Scientific American analyzes the influence of journalism and its importance in a democracy, whether it be for good or evil.

It is so important that journalists uphold traditional ethics and morals, especially in the current age.


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