Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Ugly Truth of Advertising

The Ugly Truth of Advertising
Hannah Ellinger - he979415@ohio.edu

                             (Image Source: Business Insider)

After decades of false advertising, many consumers are left wondering if any product or service that they see advertised will actually live up to the hype. Is anything that is advertised by a company actually true? What are the ramifications of consistently advertising your products in a false light?

Items and products are often advertised in a completely false light by companies in order to make the products seem more appealing to the consumer. However, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC),  federal law states that "an ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence." So how are so many companies able to get away with stretching the truth about their products or services?

Many companies are able to create the idea that their products or services are better than others on the market simply by tricking the consumer with the language and testimony used in their advertisements. They will use special effects and lighting to make the product look more desirable in the eye of the consumer. Brands will often even hire well-known national organizations or celebrities to advocate on behalf of their products or services. While this tactic may show short term results, it is not an ethical practice and consumers will eventually catch on to the misleading advertising put out by your brand. 

In order to remain ethical and to provide your company with the best reputation, you should always try to advertise your products or services in the most accurate way possible. Advertising your brand's products in an honest and transparent way will go a long way in furthering the positive relationship that you have with your consumers. Here are several tips on how to avoid unlawful advertising.

The first and most obvious tip is to be accurate with your advertising. Work hard to ensure that your ads are factually correct and that they don't mislead the consumer. Try to be as truthful as possible when you are conveying what consumers can expect from your product or service.

Secondly, you should always have a sufficient amount of product on hand. Make a conscious effort to have enough product on hand to satisfy the highest amount of customers. If you are unsure if you can meet the demand that may arise from the product advertisement, make sure to state that you have limited quantities and that the promotion is only while supplies last.

Another important tip to consider when trying to remain ethical in your advertising is to treat your competitors fairly in your advertisements. You should avoid tearing down the reputation of other companies in order to further the success of your own. If you do compare your products to those from another company, you should always double check all of your information to ensure that every statement made in your advertisement is factual and accurate.

Lastly, if your company chooses to endorse their products or services with a famous spokesperson, national organization or even just a member of your staff, you should always make sure to get written permission to use their name and testimonials. Getting written permission to use an organization or person's testimony in your advertisement not only protects your company from any backlash, but also gives the impression to consumers that your company is transparent, honest and not trying to "pull the wool over their eyes" in an advertisement. 

These are just a few helpful tips to consider when it comes to attempting to be as ethical and fair as possible in your advertising. Doing your best to ensure that your company does not falsely advertise any of their products will go a long way to increase the positive relationship that you have with your consumers and their idea of your brand image.

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