Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Rise of Branded Content

By: Julia Leonard

Branded content is everywhere in our society. We see paid ads on Facebook and Instagram and scroll right past them but out brain still remembers those images or text. Marketers look at how they can put their product or service into your timeline to make your click on it. It is nearly impossible to go a day without seeing branded content even if you aren't on any social or technological device. Billboards, posters, and signs at restaurants and shops are also branded content that we don't even recognize any more. 
Source: BlueLine Media
Where to find branded content.
Uber utilized local bars in popular cities to display an advertisement in their restrooms. This is a form of branded content that is physically in front of you rather than virtually in front of you. Branded content is anywhere you are. Companies know that if they shove their message into your day to day life, it will have an effect on you and hopefully lead you to familiarize the brand.

It comes down to cost.
Companies want their brand to be a household name. To make this happen, they have to generate media presence to get people talking about their brand. A small company cannot come out of nowhere and expect their product to be know nation-wide without doing any sort of advertising. While some advertising can be free, like user-generated content, most remain at a high price. Paid ads on Facebook can be $10 a day or up too $1,000 a day. The more money you put into your ad, the more people are likely to view it. Facebook puts out the higher paid ads first because companies are essentially bidding against each other to have the top slot.

Tradition advertising is over- Here's the future of marketing.
Our society as at a point where influencers on social media help a brand more than a traditional advertisement. Influencers help humanize a brand. More and more companies have turned to influencer campaigns when promoting a brand. According to a study from Mobile Marketer, more than 41% of marketers reported greater success with influencer campaigns than with traditional advertising efforts.

The blurred line.
Publishers are finding ways to partner with advertising firms on deals, regarding what they will post on their sites, while forgetting to be transparent with their readers. This alone sets up the publisher to be in a tough spot. While many publishing companies rely on advertisements to keep a steady revenue for their sites, some get desperate and the ethical line becomes blurred. It is important for publishers to put their companies Code of Ethics into consideration before partnering with an advertising agency. You must make sure your ethical values align with those of the advertising agency.

How is it working in 2019?
Instagram has recently created a branded content update which has helped many influencers that use the platform. According to analysis David Shadpour, the new update improves the level of transparency between the influencer and their followers. You can now more clearly see if a photo is a 'paid partnership' or 'ad' by looking in the top corner of the photo.

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