Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Tragedy of My Lai and The Brave Ron Haeberle

Back in the year of 1968, American soldiers did something truly unbelievable and disturbing. Not only is it well known about what these thought to be American heroes did but there is picture proof. This all occurred in My Lai, Vietnam on March 16, 1968. The man to capture this terrible tragedy was Ron Haeberle who is also an Ohio University alumni and Cleveland resident.

Above is a picture captured by Ron Haeberle of My Lai residents who were tortured, killed, raped and murdered by American forces.

Being a journalist, photographer and a man in the army had to be hard for Rob Haeberle. Many did not want to tell the harsh truth and horrendous acts done in Vietnam, but he was one that could not keep the truth a secret. Thinking of his loyalty to the army and also the people, Rob Haeberle made a decision that would change his and the rest of America's life forever. A year later he did what was right for the people and shared the real truth. In November 1969, Rob Haeberle shared the pictures that he took from My Lai. These pictures showed America was really happened that day and now only how gruesome it was but how unethical the soldiers were. He released these pictures and told the true story to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. By not covering up this horrific event, Rob Haeberle was not only brave but a man who stuck up for the truth and the importance about seeking truth and reporting it back to the public. He made sure he told the story of these innocent victims and the role he fulfilled.

Since the event back in the year of 1968, Rob Haeberle has been back multiple times. He has even connected with survivors that he remembers and has photographed proof of them or their family members who died because of the massacre. Through this he has been able to connect with them on a more personal level and explain, as well as understand, what they both lived being on two different sides of the spectrum. By going back to where this all started you see how this story was something Rob Haeberle could not just let slide. He knew he had an obligation to the victims, to the American people and to just do what he knew was right.

Many journalists would find it terribly hard to make the decision Rob Haeberle made. The decision to seek truth and report it can be hard because what and who is at risk. It becomes even more harder when the person or company involved is the United State Army. Even though the decision is not easy, it must be done and a real journalist will make sure it does. As an ethical journalist, photographer and soldier, Rob Haeberle knew what he had to do. He had to do his job for the people and the fulfill his obligation to those effected. Without his bravery and dedication to the people, no one would really know what happened that day. 

As journalist we have to remember why and how to do our job. We have to remember to follow the code of ethics and fulfill our obligation to the people no matter what. Rob Haeberle not only showed how important journalism and photography is but also showed the dedication you have to have to even be a journalist. Ones man truth and dedication to the people changed the world. We need more people like Rob Haeberle so we also can be a tool and asset for ourselves, the people and anyone else.  

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