Monday, September 9, 2019

Lets Discuss Ethics, Credibility and Fake News

Meghan Machenheimer |

In today's society public relations professionals have many things they need to consider before they release anything out to the public. They have to consider how this will affect the public and if this is or is not an ethical thing to release. They have to think about how this will affect their corporation or the public's view of their corporation and of course how this will affect their credibility when it comes to being a PR professionals. There are plenty of other things that PR professionals need to consider before releasing anything to the public, the ones listed above are just a few examples.

How things will affect the public and if something is ethical or not plays a huge role in journalism. Journalists are always considering whether or not they should release something because of the potential back lash they could receive. Corporations are trying to create a more ethical environment  when it comes to releasing things out to the public. By corporations creating an ethical environment their employees will all be on the same page and know the rules the corporation has enforced when it comes to whether or not something is ethical to release. Some corporations will even bring in an outside source to review the rules they are enforcing to make sure that they are acceptable when it comes to ethics.

Credibility and trust are two of the most important things in the journalism world and they go hand in hand. If a journalist has lost their credibility they can no longer be trusted. Just like if a PR corporation lost their trust with the public they will be viewed as less credible. PR professionals can't afford to lose their credibility. If their credibility is lost they can't just leave the company they initially worked for and apply somewhere else. Who would hire a journalist who was previously fired or let go from their past job due to releasing something that wasn't credible?

Even when a PR professional or a PR corporation has considered all the factors that go into releasing something out to the public, there will always be the negative view on journalism. This view is caused by many reasons but the main reason that this negative view stems from is fake news. Fake news is a hot topic that is discussed in todays media that everyone seems to have an opinion about. These opinions vary from person to person. Some people could not trust journalists at all because of previously reported fake news. Others could think that all media outlets reporting about a political party that they don't agree with is fake. Some even think specific news outlets only report fake news because they don't agree with what they are reporting about.

Since fake news is such a talked about subject in todays society some people or sources will intentionally release fake news. Reasons behind this could be to gain more viewers or increase a persons networth . It could be used to put a celebrities or politicians name back into media headlines.  It could be used to gain more clicks or as some will say "click bait" which will drag viewers to their websites and gain more money from advertisements. Their are plenty of reasons on why fake news can be intentional. But it is upsetting to know that it is still linked negatively with PR professionals.

Overall PR professionals have a lot to consider when it comes to their job. They have to understand that even when they have considered every factor before releasing something out into the public there will still be a negative view on their job because everyone has their own opinions. Whether the opinions are about the corporation the PR professional works for or the PR professional themselves. There will always be somebody who has an opinion. So PR professionals must be confident in their work and passionate about their job, so the negativity doesn't get them down.

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