Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Journalism Ethics in the Face of Modern Media

Kiara Recchione

The Modern Media Climate
In today’s modern world, journalists are under more pressure than ever to stay true to an ethical code while facing mounting pressures from their audiences. The introduction of the internet to society has greatly affected not only the way people communicate with each other, but also the way everyday individuals communicate with news organizations and companies represented by public relations firms. Any citizen can openly criticize an institution on social media, and if that user has a large enough following then one can significantly sway public opinion.

Ethical Duty of Journalists
Despite this recent trend, the Society of Professional Journalists and Public Relations Society of America call on journalists and public relations specialists to stay true to an ethical code. Ethics in both of these professions are extremely important due to the responsibility journalists have to protect and inform citizens. Journalists should always have the best interest of the public in mind, and must keep their work in check through the use of ethics.

It is now extremely important to follow a strict ethical code in order to keep the public’s trust. Some of these ethics include seeking the truth, minimizing harm, acting independently and fairly, and holding oneself accountable. If a journalist follows this guideline they are much less likely to enrage the public.

Attacks on the Press
On the other hand, sometimes the free press and public relations field is attacked on account of siding with a singular agenda or belief. This challenges media organizations to maintain their ethical standpoint and to not stop releasing information that is triggering to some parties. The truth needs to be heard.

The Trump Example
An example of this phenomenon is the recent attacks President Trump has been waging against the New York Times. According to Trump, the NYT maintains a liberal agenda with specific intentions to undermine the president and his current administration. It is true that the Times has made a shift from somewhat non-partisan to increasingly left-wing, but this was not out of a place of malice toward the president. After repeatedly tweeting in opposition to the New York Times, he has turned a large portion of his followers against the news organization. 

Facing backlash from conservative critics, it is the duty of the New York Times to uphold the ethical code of journalists and not halt the publication of truth in political affairs. When a president is threatening the freedom of the press and the very core of the First Amendment, it is ethical to defend oneself. It is within the SPJ code to report the truth to the public, and that would be impossible without a free press. 

Looking Forward
As the twenty-first century progresses, journalists will continue to face adversity from the public. Social media influencers, celebrities, and government officials will have a growing voice. In the age of strong individual expression, news sources and public relations teams must not be influenced by outside forces and maintain ethical guidelines. Without ethics then how is the public to be protected? The media climate is changing but this doesn’t have to be at the expense of modern journalism.

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