Monday, September 24, 2018

Reporting Sexual Assault in Journalism

Kaitlyn Lyons

In today's society, journalists are often times put in very hard situations when it comes to publishing controversial stories and articles. Some of their readers may have a different perspective than them, so there is a high possibility of backlash on their article. It is important to publish the full and true story; no matter what kind of things could be said, because truth always comes first. Before publishing, the journalist needs to fact check to make sure they have all of the details sorted out. Accusing someone of something that did not happen could leave to very negative things. The best decision is to just stay neutral and not voice their opinion. Instead, just give the information out to the public.

Sexual assault has been a huge topic discussed in the media. Several victims have finally felt comfortable enough to come forward and share their story about what happened to them. This is also a very sensitive topic which could make it hard to write about. Journalists have to be extremely careful about the language and word choice they use. Not only do journalists report the story, but they are able to give the public warning signs and information about assault in order to prevent it from occurring.
                                                               Courtesy of

In 2006 the #MeToo movement began. This is a way to help survivors heal from the trauma of assault and get them the help they need in order to fully recover. Journalists played a huge role in making this movement trend. The movement is continuing to grow and will keep getting bigger and more popular overtime. The bigger it gets, the more likely it is for survivors come out with their stories. The #MeToo movement is a way to bring complete strangers together to help one another out. Journalism is a way of connecting these people by publishing their stories to the public, instead of being private about it.

In the generation we live in now, more and more people have been voicing their opinions and speaking up which is a good thing and a bad thing. Journalists need to remember to keep their code of ethics in mind when writing their stories about touchy subjects such as assault. Also, it is important to get permission from everyone involved in the story before publishing the story. Everyone has the right to privacy and journalists need to respect that. This does not mean leave out important information, it is just important to get consent from everyone so there are no surprises.

As time goes on, the more assaults will happen, become ignored, and not released to the public until several years after it happened. As a whole, society needs to speak up and stop the predators of sexual assault. Journalists are able to spread the news in a timely and efficient manner and warn the public about what is happening.

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