Personal and Professional
A minority of students that I have spoken to can include their private Facebook among their resume and show it to employers. Some students change their name to be different so that they can not be located as easily, and some just make it completely private to non friends.
Personally, I keep my main profile clean and professional. There is too fine of a line between private social media space and public display for me to feel comfortable any other way. I even go the extra mile such that I include my Facebook URL on my resume with my website and my blog URLs.
I’d like to say that, because of this, I take advantage of the power of social media.
One site that not everyone might use or know about is “Tumblr” and it is an organized online blogging community and it is worth checking out @ www.Tumblr.com.
Tweeting Towards Tomorrow
You can tell who is a productive social media user and who is not, or rather, who is a lame duck instead, by the content of their social media history. Productive tweeters tweet about current issues, political issues and work towards increasing an agenda. Lame duck tweeters stick to their trending hash tags and talk about #oldpeoplesnames or #ICouldntLiveWithout and read the countless other tweets about the same issues.
If one is a productive tweeter, they may actually change something. Check out this story. Egyptian protestors battled for their rights with social media and gained ground on their oppressors.
See the story here.... www.arabmediasociety.com/?article=769
This is an example of what you can do with Social Media.
Watch what you tweet!
Some UK twitter users who whistle blew or gossiped about famous celebrities have had their private information revealed by Twitter! Be careful you don’t get superinjuncted by Twitter by reading the story : Tweets get people into trouble!
Closing Thoughts
This photograph pretty much sums up my point.
So, be cordial and professional in your social media, don’t believe everything you hear, tweet with purpose and keep your head up!
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