Sunday, November 23, 2014

Trendy Transparency

After reading “Why Hyping Transparency Distorts Journalism Ethics,” I have come to the conclusion that transparency, a core journalism value, has become an easy fall back. Currently, this “fall back” is trendy or fashionable among journalists. They think they can claim transparency and allow that to make up for the complete disregard of other core ethical values. But, according to the article, “Academic studies indicate that transparency cannot meet our expectations. Transparency, even where it is practiced, is insufficient to ensure ethical conduct, and may even lead to a risk-averse culture of management.” Transparency is just a part of what should be considered in ethical decision making and will find its place in an ethically developed news story.

This article also went on to describe that, “Independence is about doing journalism. Transparency is about showing how we do journalism.” And that, “Both arenecessary for good journalism.” Transparency does not need to become less important, but less emphasis needs to be placed on this ethical value. Independence also needs to be stressed, just as much as transparency currently is.

In conclusion, journalists need to develop their own code of ethics. This would help to prevent the favoring of a particular ethical value. Being ethical on one aspect does not mean everything in your story is ethical, or that you acted in an ethical way. Being able to have a checklist that can guarantee your behavior is ethical is important. It will make you’re a better and well respected journalist.
SPJ Code of Ethics Song

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