Monday, November 17, 2014

Personal and Profession Twitter Accounts

Holly Tod

Should journalist keep their personal and professional Twitter accounts separate? There are many factors that play into this debate. I believe it’s important to separate your personal and professional Twitter accounts because you will never know who will see it.

Personal Twitter Account

A personal Twitter account should be shared with you and your friends only. Your personal account should not be shared with your boss, future employers or your grandmother. There is a very high chance you might have stupid, funny and embarrassing pictures or tweets that should be shared with your friends and your friends only.  You wouldn’t want your boss, a future employer to see a picture of you passed out on the couch from last Friday night, right? It might cost you your job

Also, make your profile private and use a nickname. If you have content that you do not want a future employer or your mother to see when they search your name on Google, make it private and use another name.  

Professional Twitter Account

A professional Twitter account should be professional and professional only. This will be the account your future employer and boss will see. Again, don’t post embarrassing pictures and inside jokes with your friends on there.

Build the brand you want to be.  Go to interesting websites and tweet them. For example, if you’re interested in Public Relations, find an article and tweet it. If you’re interested in advertising, find an interesting article and tweet it. Over tweeting educational articles or articles related to your field never hurts. This will make you look engaged and interested in the field. 

Twitter even has a special page strictly for business and how people can stand out on their professional profiles. In addition, it’s important to use hashtags and keep your profile public. By using certain hashtags, it can help your twitter appearance. Finally, use a professional picture. Don’t use the picture of you and your friends from the Fraternity party last Saturday night. You want to represent yourself the best way possible.

Yes, YOU Should Have a Personal Twitter Account

I strongly people should separate their personal Twitter and business Twitter accounts. Combining the two accounts can be dangerous. It might affect you and your career. Employers do look at their employee’s Twitter page. If you’re going to Tweet inappropriate content, then do it somewhere else, especially not your professional account. An employer, your boss or even your grandmother doesn’t want to see you passed out on the couch from last weekend. It’s simply tacky and makes you look back. I cannot encourage people enough to make separate profiles. It will save them in the long run.


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