Monday, January 24, 2022

The Importance of Ethics in Journalism

 Henry Jost

Source: Tom Peddington/Getty Images

A journalist has many roles, but unfortunately, many so-called journalists do not understand the power of their words. Yet, they have the power to shape the world around them for better or worse, and it is of the utmost importance that journalists take accountability for the information they put out for the public to consume. There can be devastating consequences if there is no accountability, which is why SPJ's code of ethics is so important. 

The Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics is not required, so citizens must pay close attention to their news. A great journalist follows the Code of Ethics, which entails telling the truth, remaining unbiased, and taking responsibility. That may sound simple, but it requires a lot of commitment every time a piece of content is produced. The work of a journalist can change the political landscape of an entire country, and when one publishes a carefree piece, it can sway a lot of people towards a specific mindset. 

The rise of social media places an even greater emphasis on the role of a journalist. Anybody can claim to be a journalist when they upload content onto the internet, which is why we have to prove to news consumers that we can trust. That creates a new hurdle that journalists must overcome: redefine what it means to be a journalist since anyone can now upload their thoughts to the cyber world. A great journalist must set a precedent distinguishing them from somebody's grandmother on Facebook.

In this country, we are fortunate enough to say we can have meaningful political discourse amongst one another, granted by the first amendment. Still, many have taken advantage of this fortune. The term "fake news" has made the Code of Ethics even more critical, especially when many believe the press is the enemy of the people. Many often click on the first news article that pops up on their Twitter feed, and to change this, journalists must feel a sense of responsibility. Many news sources/monopolies know what they are selling to the world is false, which is why it is not enough for an honest journalist to tell the truth; they must also make their work persuasive. Content must be backed up with facts and engage the consumer with thoughtful critiques and or information. Fake news will never dissipate, but it is an excellent job for journalists to be the ones to tackle such a destructive force in this world.

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