Monday, September 14, 2020

Why Fake News is a danger to Journalism

Emilee Caudill


Fake news is a term that is constantly swirling around the internet today, but not many people know the danger it presents to journalism. Truth is one of the most important pillars of journalism and with fake news being produced, the integrity of journalists is often in question.

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Why do People Believe Fake News?

As Americans, we often look for the simplest way to do things and this is true when it comes to how we get our information as well. It is easier for us to believe the first news story we read rather than looking for accurate and fair sources.

It's also less work for people to just trust their peers to spread truthful information. In a BBC Article it says, "Assuming they had no first-hand knowledge of the claim, it's theoretically possible for them to look it up elsewhere -- a process of laborious verification that involves trawling through countless claims and counter-claims. They also, however, possess a far simpler method of evaluation, which is to ask what other people seem to think."

It is safe to assume most people would rather use news sources that align with their beliefs rather than have to admit they are wrong. Readers sometimes care more about consuming information that they agree with than accurate information, which leads to the spread of fake news.

How does Fake News Negatively Impact Journalism?

Fake news increases Americans' distrust in the media. The more false information people consume the less likely they are to trust the news.

Lately, the journalism world has become more focused on getting news out quick, than making sure it is accurate news. In a Times West Virginian Article it says, "We are, of course, a business, and we do have everything to risk in this race. Nevertheless, we feel like we can present an unbiased view: this is a matter of quality of quantity and quantity is clearly winning right now." 

With social media at our fingertips this fake news is faster and easier to spread than ever before. This is a problem because if false information is easier to access than truthful information then we could have a country full of misinformed people who no longer trust the media.

What can we do?

Education about fake news and how to find truthful information is very important. If we could spread reliable sources as fast as we spread false information then we would be in a much better position.

It is more important now than ever before that journalists are working to make sure their reporting is accurate. The more trustworthy news sources we have, the less falsehoods can be spread. 

We need to do everything in our power to make sure we are consuming and sharing real and honest news, the future of journalism is relying on it.

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