Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Truth about the Truth of Journalism

Taniah Stephens


When people seek media outlets about social issues and hot topics that are being talked about throughout society, the one thing that needs to be identified before they continue with an article or source, would be if it is telling the truth. In many code of ethics, truth and transparency is one of the key points that differentiates a source from being reliable and unreliable.

With what has been taking place throughout 2020: celebrity deaths, pandemic crisis, protests and so on, there have been sources that have showed that their code of ethics does not include truth and transparency, whereas many others have worked to prove the exact opposite -- to show transparency through their writing. 

Photo source: Huffington Post UK

The Society of Professional Journalism lists that their first code of ethics is "Seek Truth and Report It." In that, they explain the importance of accuracy, reliability and the reservation of anonymity. Which I believe should be included in any journalist's code of ethics. 
There are some sources that are considered bias and can tell that their code of ethics does have truth and transparency as their main reason of why they should be considered reliable and accurate. Many falling under social media accounts and non-organizational sources lead to unreliable, untrustworthy facts being put out into the media, daily. Sports accounts like, 'Bleacher Report' and tabloids have all fallen into the category where the code of ethics does not please audience of truth and transparency, but pleases the audience through sensationalism and what will get attention faster.

Along with the SPJ, PRSA also makes it a mission aligned with their code of ethics that it is their duty to serve the public and to gain trust by putting out only accurate and trustworthy information. They explain, "We adhere to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interests of those we represent and in communicating with the public."

It is important as journalists to realize that being true and transparent within the work that you put out through media, should always be your first thought of what you contribute to society, as far as being a journalist goes. Staying true to the audience that you are writing for, and how you convey the authenticity is what will keep readers from considering your writing unreliable.

With the way the world is forming and how media is playing a tremendous role, and how the details and facts are being put out daily, whether it is through internet or through magazine articles, the writers and journalists should put out information that is firmly the truth. It will not only look good for the company, but for the journalist themselves. Reliability and accuracy is what people look for nowadays between the election, pandemic, protest, unarmed killings and how drastic the economy is shifting. The truth ought to be the ethical key value within your writing, otherwise you will not be substantial to the society.

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