Monday, November 26, 2018

What Happened to Truth?

Kaitlyn Lyons

In today's society, it is hard to tell what is true and what is not.  Several news sources either stretch out the truth or put out completely false information.  Many citizens are unsure who and what to believe because fake news is such a casual thing now.  Telling the truth is such a simple task, yet people have such a hard time telling the story how it is.  People try to stay away from the word lie because of the stigma it has behind it.  However, that is essentially the same thing as being untruthful.

It is important for journalists to stay neutral to subjects and not to make things one sided, especially when you are unsure of what the readers backgrounds are.  It could become challenging for journalists' beliefs not to affect their stories and articles.  They need to follow their ethical values for themselves as well as the public by just giving out truthful information sea nothing else.  Ever since President Trump got elected to be in office, the media has been reporting false information and stories.  People have been more cautious about what they are reading and believing.

President Trump is not helping the situation either.  It is proven on many sources that he has spread around false information and rumors.  It does not help the situation when people see the leader of our county giving the public information that is not true.  When journalists see someone that high up with all that power giving false claims, it makes them think it is not as bad to lie.

Most politicians either leave parts out of stories, or twist the truth in some way shape or form.  This does not just show up with Trump.  There have been lots of past presidents that have been accused for lying and giving false statements and claims.  President Clinton and President Nixon show this in their past trial.

People need to think about what they say and how it can affect them before they say it.  Especially someone who is in the media everyday and is such a powerful person that represents the country.  It is hard to take our country and politicians seriously at times because of how casual fake news is becoming.

It is hard to be perfect in the world of journalism.  No matter what one says or does, there is bound to be at least one person to either disagree or give backlash to the situation.  It is hard to please the public with this generation of people that is on social media and reading the news.  Hate speeches are also common and they attack certain social groups and put them down for things such as race, sexual orientation, religion, and many other categories.

Things like fake news, untruthful information, and hate speeches need to come to an end in order for the people, country, and society as a whole to go back to being truthful.

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