Monday, October 6, 2014

PR Specialist's Reputations

Holly Tod 

Like any other profession, public relation specialists are responsible for their actions. They need to be held accountable for any mistakes they make, or else they will lose credibility and not be taken seriously. We can see this happen in the Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation scandal. The Ruper Murdoch company employees were being unethical by messing up the police’s investigation of a missing 13-year-old girl. This only made the company lose credibility and develop a negative reputation. The Ruper Murdoch Company should’ve been aware of the importance of a positive reputation. According to the article, “Why a Good Corporate Reputation is Important to Your Organization,” the author, Kim Harrison discusses the importance of having a positive reputation.  Steps to build a reputation: Here are 6 steps to build a reputation, according to Harrison’s article, through a stakeholder relations program        Conduct research to know key stakeholders better.

       Assess stakeholder strengths and weaknesses, and focus on the gap between internal realities and stakeholder perceptions.

       Research the main factors comprising the reputation of your organization and align them with policies, systems and programs in all functional areas. This produces a powerful re-orientation of priorities and behaviors.

       Set plans to exceed stakeholder expectations.

       Involve the CEO as the greatest ally or champion of a reputation program.

       Measure regularly against targets and act to improve the results.

     In conclusion, not only PR specialists, but everyone should maintain a healthy and positive reputation. There may be times where someone is in a crisis and there will not be anyone there for them since they are known to not be faithful. There are easy steps and guidelines for one to follow.Anyone and everyone needs to be held accountable for their actions. It will make the world a better place.

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