Monday, November 2, 2020

Keeping Advertising Ethical

Madison Doyle

With all the content that is constantly being created for different stories and brands, it is often hard to catch someone's attention. Never before did we think that marketing would turn into what it has. Target consumers has almost become a science. There are many ways that you can attract someone and have them buy into your idea. While doing this it is important that the content being put out is ethical. There are codes that serve as guidelines to keeping your brand ethical. 

Another important point to remember is that advertising has become crucial to the success of a brand. Not only does it allow for companies to get their word out about a certain story or product but it allows companies make a name for themselves. MarTech Today puts it as, "It's about being good stewards of the customer experience." Which I think is a great way of putting it. You should request the public enough to give them a great experience. I think that most commonly people look at advertising as a way to sell something. Ultimately, advertising creates brand awareness for the public. 

It is necessary to make sure that content included on the advertisement is accurate. The information should not mislead the public. This will cause for there to be a lose of trust between the public and the source. Fact check any information that is included in the in content as this will allow for the best result for the consumer. Ultimately the goal should be to help the public live a better life. Advertisements should be informative. 

All of the ideas of making sure advertising is ethical stem from a time when advertising was not ethical. There are many advertisements that are from years ago that show unethical language for any brand. Many of the ads also include racism. Ads also include unacceptable ways of referring to women. While this was acceptable in that time they are no longer acceptable. If these different ways of language were used in today's advertisement, consumers would no longer purchase from that specific brand. They would also not purchase from any brand that is owned or associated with the offensive advertisements. 

Pictures source:

 The fact that this was allowed is absolutely appalling. I understand this is the extreme, but it is still an ethical issue. Other ethical issues could include marketing directly to children. Children are the most impressionable individuals that can be targeted. A study done by The American Psychological Association shows that children view more than 40,000 commercials every year. This has been a dramatic increase since the 1970s. Stereotyping is often found in marketing strategies. While the company could be trying to use their target audience it could come across as stereotyping. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddy!
    I totally agree that targeting consumers has almost become a science. Marketers and advertisers are constantly analyzing consumers' every move in an attempt to better sell their products. This can sometimes be damaging, as you said. Often marketers can play into stereotypes in order to get their points across and reach a wider audience. This is problematic in the fact that it isolates certain groups of people and insults them and can cause further distrust in certain brands. I loved your insights! Nice job!
