Sunday, November 29, 2015

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Kaitlyn Shive

Ever since the dawn of online media there has always been a place for readers to share their thoughts and opinions with the content creator, known as the infamous comment section.

The comment section has been a place that ultimately can ruin a readers view on a story, due to there being negative comments from someone else or they are just overall distracted by them to even read the rest of the article.

It has always for years been possible for readers to share their opinions on news sites and social media but recently there have been 7 organizations that have disabled that power. According to Justin Ellis's article on NeimanLab, some news organizations have stopped allowing comments directly on their articles but have started allowing them through social media like a shared posts on Facebook etc.

Social Media is becoming the new outlet for news organizations and having the comments be sent through personal accounts on twitter and Facebook etc. seems to be a very reasonable way of doing things with social media continuing to grow and advance.

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One thing that seems to be a slight issue when it comes to social media growing so much is that a lot of the times there are user generated content. This can become difficult for other news organizations and sites because some content is hard to verify or validate these days when there are so many ways to distort or change an image from its original. In Craig Silvermans "How journalists verify user-generated content, information on social media" he spoke to many different people on how they can actually verify the picture or content they are trying to use on their own platforms before they publish, which is a very helpful article. 

There is no telling off the bat what user-generated content is altered or not which makes it a lot more difficult on news organizations sites who try and post things that aren't originally theirs. 

There was another article that aims to help determine what content is altered or not, written by Steve Myers for the

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We never know who will be sitting behind a screen recreating images or creating false ones to make a better story or to mess with any news organization.

With there being upgrades in social media and news sites with their comment sections as well as trying to produce true and real things on the internet, the world of journalism is ethically heading in the right direction when it comes to online media. 

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