Monday, October 26, 2015

Don't take it too serious

Xiaohan Mu    

 When talking about trusting in PR, I have lots of experiences with it. The exaggerating of advertisements can be found everywhere. From the picture of a McDonald hamburger showed below to the multiple products that is selling on TV such as beauty products and some new technologies.

We all know how the actual hamburger in McDonald looks, which is totally different with the one we see on TV. There are even videos on YouTube that teaches you how to make a typical advertising hamburger.

PR and advertising work is very sensitive. Everything that happens in PR can be vague, if you take one step forward, it can be too exaggerated that it seems to be fraud; if you take one step back, the advertisement can be too boring to catch attention.

The other advertisement that can be exaggerated is beauty products, as the picture shows below:


Do all these products really work? We never know, maybe they don't work perfectly, as seen on TV, but they work in certain ways.

The best way for consumers to see the advertisements is to choose what to believe and buy only what they really need.

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