Sunday, April 24, 2011

Balancing Coverage Resources and Media Ethics

Paul Meara

There are many sub-types of coverage when it comes to journalism. There are also many ways to get the word out to your intended audience. In cases of national publications and specifically national print newspapers like The New York Times or The Washington Post, the best and most in-depth coverage of world events comes from the publications who have the resources to have journalists and corespondents in all parts of the world so when an event happens, they are there to see and report on it first hand.

So how are these big publications able to afford to put corespondents all over the world and give them the resources to continue the legacy of top-notch journalism?: Selling papers and advertisements.

With a decline in the sales of newspapers all across the country, how are the big publications going to be able to continue to have the resources to continue the same sort of in-depth first-hand journalism we are used to? Will it get to the point where if an event happens overseas, these publications will have to take the word of someone else who covered it?

A lot of times when people discuss the future of legitimate journalism, this topic doesn't come up. How desperate will some of the big papers get to get those same funds. Recently the New York Times started charging their readers a fee to view the content online. The predicament then becomes either find ways to charge people for the content to continue the great journalism OR, forget it, continue the status quo with a falling budget and slowly remove the correspondents, potentially harming the journalism in whatever region it might come from.

This in not exclusive to print journalism. It goes for television networks as well. With the emergence of blogs and cable news, network news has also taken a hit. Will their resources take a hit? The answers to both mediums we will of course see in time. But for now enjoy this clip of Dan Rather in Vietnam.

Photo Courtesy of: Tomas Munita/New York Times

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