Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Far is TOO Far?

by Brooks Jarosz

What do you think of when you see people jumping to their death from the World Trade Center towers? Should the media censor these types of things? According to the Society of Professional Journalists, it is in the code of ethics journalists seek truth and report events fairly and accurately. Another part of the code touches upon the accountability factor.

Would the majority of the audience appreciate this type of photo showing up in their favorite newspaper or online publication or even on television? There are so many shades of gray in my opinion, as some may see it as important to be honest, open and fully disclose all information available. I think it has to be assessed on a case by case basis.

While a picture may speak louder than words, could it speak to some in a negative or upsetting way? For example, what would the victim's family think and would journalists simply be acting as a sounding board for terrorists? In some cases, I think so! Take the following video, for example, then decide what you would do and comment!

"State of Play" is a movie every journalist and citizen should see!
Wednesday night I went to see a prescreening of State of Play at a theater here in Athens, Ohio. Having some investigative reporting experience, this film was a "must see" for me and I was extremely impressed.

Ethical dilemmas was something the main character was constantly faced with. Not to mention, all the daily changes that can swing, make or break a story. I was happy to see one major message in the movie, among many. That message dealt with the role of media today and its importance in our society. Despite all the bloggers, corporate media conglomerates and citizen "journalists", there are still those journalism professionals who seek the truth and want to bring around social change and uphold their role as an honest, fair informant.

Check out the movie synopsis or the movie trailer. The movie opens Friday in theaters!

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